Wednesday 9 July 2008


back to reality now. I've been in the office for a few hours gearing up to start to deal with the (very few) formal complaint letters we've had so far. Just gone through the day with a few members of my team, and this is my first chance to hear how yesterday's FEAST events out at Brewood and Barlaston went with ZUM3. I think we've set a new record for the smallest audience with 18 people at Brewood (in a chuch that seats 250+) and Barlaston had just over 40 people. However, I feel that this is the first time, certainly since I've been here, that we are going to places that are just slightly beyond where the current Lichfield Festival audience would think to go (Brewood being 20 miles west and Barlaston being 27 miles northwest of Lichfield), so the people that did go are pretty much new audiences for us, and need nurturing and developing. Part of doing this is trying to link content in Lichfield to stuff that we are taking out to these rural communites, and it all culminates with ZUM playing the Garrick Theatre this evening - thankfully to more than 18 people.
Professor Brian Hurwitz arrived from London this morning and is currently doing his soundcheck for his lecture Literary Imagination in Medical Practice - should be fascintating.

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