Friday, 27 June 2008

listening 0608

i get sent cds constantly from artists either hoping for a performance at the Lichfield Festival or at Abbotsholme Arts Society or from artists that I'm interested in hearing a little more about. Inundated would be one appropriate word to use. I would like to think that eventually everything gets listened to, but I am quite behind, not helped by the fact that the cd player in my room has been broken for months, and I can listen only at home or in the car on the way home.
If you are reading this hoping for a sniff at what my future programming might include, this is unlikely to provide much insight. I listen to far more than I could ever book, and enjoy many things that may not be appropriate for the audiences I programme for.
Recent things I have enjoyed listening to include:
of course, this last cd (volume three of three), which I found in my in tray earlier this week, is the programme La Serenissima will be performing when they visit Lichfield on 9 July. This is brilliantly performed stuff (I seem to concur with the only review I could find online here) and I know from experience is much, much better live...

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